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Question by  mapple (18)

Should I be concerned about a lump under my skin on the inside of my forearm?

I have a lump under my skin on the inside of my forearm.


Answer by  Melissa101010 (4405)

That lump could just be a ingrown hair and could be nothing. I would suggest that if it does not go away soon that you go see your family physician to get it checked out.


Answer by  spragoo (1500)

I can't make a diagnosis as I can't see the lump and I am not a doctor, but I would be concerned enough about a lump on my body. If it moves when you touch it, it might be a fatty deposit. If it is more solid I have been told those are the ones you need checked right away.


Answer by  Pantherz (30)

Any lump on any part of your body could be a concern. Always go to your doctor to check any lumps you find on your body.


Answer by  Tabatha (440)

It sounds like you have a compilation of fat or tissue cells. This can be caused from being hit, pinched or another type of small incident. These will typically go away in a week or two, if not, go to your physician.

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