pet health


Question by  Anonymous

What should I do about my turtle who hisses blood?


Answer by  kittymum (142)

You need to find a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles.They are usually listed in your local business directory. Check under categories such as Veterinarians, Reptiles, Animals, Pets. A vet who treats "exotic" pets often treats reptiles but call and double check. Otherwise, ask if they can give you a referral.


Answer by  emhaskey (685)

Take your turtle to a veterinarian. This sounds like a hemorrhage of some type. Your turtle may not have much time left if he is bleeding like that.


Answer by  alc1974 (71)

If your turtle has blood coming from its mouth when it hisses, you need to seek veterinary attention. This could indicate a problem.


Answer by  ladybud (1069)

Check his bowel movement if their is blood in it also he might be sick or have a injury in his neck or stomach.According to what breed of turtle wild or domesticated it could be a natural self defense to make predator's fear or get sick of him and leave him alone.Have a vet run test's to be sure.


Answer by  soonerborn (19)

i think you have two options. the first one is to take the turtle to your local lake and let him see it. then see if he stil is hissing. if so you have to let him out of your cage and let him go. or you could cook hm up and make stew!

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