pet health


Question by  amit (15)

What should I do about my dog who has canine yeast on his feet?

He has had it only for a day or two.


Answer by  sher (23)

Canine yeast infection is caused by Candida Albicans, it is the same yeast that infects human being. One of the home remedies you could try is spraying the affected area with a solution made of four parts apple cider vinegar and six parts water three times daily.


Answer by  Andrea17 (58)

Maintaining a good balanced diet helps cure yeast that develops. A few drops of apple cider vinegar in his drinking water. Also treat his feet with a sulfur based shampoo twice a week. Treatment can last a few weeks because the fungi reproduces quickly. A visit to the vet if these things are not working won't hurt.


Answer by  BlueCatMandoo (66)

Yeast is an organism which loves warm, moist places. Mix a solution of 16 cups water, one cup of hydrogen peroxide, and one or two cups of white vinegar. Submerge your dog's feet in this solution, then pat dry, don't rinse. Do this several times a day. Try boosting your dog's immune system by adding probiotics to his diet.


Answer by  sspugs (496)

The best thing is to find a good pet antifungal shampoo to use on his whole body. Also, diet is important - ask your vet for suggestions


Answer by  laura7373 (409)

I would use either tea tree oil from the health food store or I would use monistate on it is and antifungal but all in all you need to find out why your dog has yeast on its feet. I have never heard of this . Try keeping the dogs feet dry


Answer by  Sael (313)

Wipe the feet with unscented, alcohol-free baby wipes. If his feet don't clear up, or they get worse, see a veterinarian to get the proper medications to treat the infection.


Answer by  Anna8413 (67)

If this is the first time, that the dog has these type of infection, then you should show it to the vetenarian and the vet will treat the dog.

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