health conditions


Question by  billym (53)

What should I do about an abscess on the roof of mouth?


Answer by  mpartin (1600)

Make a mixture of hot water and regular table salt. Have the water as warm as you can stand it and gargle in this solution 2-3 times a day.


Answer by  lei (490)

An abscess on the roof of the mouth may be from an infection from your tooth or gums or nose. I suggest gargle with warm salty water to improve blood circulation in the area and then have a dentist check-up the abscess.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

An abcess anywhere is a collection of pus. Pus usually means an infection. You should see your dentist to see what he thinks.


Answer by  PriscillaPresley (284)

You would probably have to have surgery to remove it, especially if it keeps filling up with pus and infection. Do not go to a General Dentist-you must go to an Oral Surgeon. This is serious. Ask your Doctor or Dentist for help!


Answer by  Cecilia (2828)

It might be a really good idea to call your dentist and ask this question. It may be nothing, and will pass on its own, or it may be important.

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