health conditions


Question by  cosmin (15)

What should I do about a cecal polyp?

I have recently been diagnosed, should I be worried?


Answer by  pansy (421)

anything you get diagnosed with should worry you thats natural the cure is what makes you a little not fretful cause one diagnose may lead to another you need to be very cautious about your mate.


Answer by  TCMstudent (127)

You should arrange for a surgery to have it removed as soon as possible because polyps have the tendency to become cancerous. Depending on your situation, you do not need to be excessively worried if it is one single polyp. Meanwhile, eat a diet of less fats more fibre.


Answer by  blarbee (46)

Polyps of the GI tract tend to become cancerous over time, so it should be removed and studied by a pathologist.


Answer by  bekkashay (98)

Usually a cecal polyp will be treated with a chemical medicine. In some cases it could require surgery to remove the cecal polyp. It is a minor surgery. You should be worried about it because they can lead to cancer if gone untreated. After treated, you need to have checkups ever 3-6 months as well.


Answer by  SanAshitaka (16)

This is a serious type of cancer, but can be treated. The treatment depends on the state of the cancer. If caught early on, surgery will take care of it. Later stages can be treated with chemotherapy. Afterward, you would want to have check ups. First, every 3-6 months for two years, then every six months after five years.


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

Presumably you were diagnosed with a polyp in your cecum during a colonoscopy so it has already been viewed by a medical professional as clearly as it is going to be. If they aren't worried you probably don't need to be. Think of polyps in the same way you would moles on your skin. Not all moles are cancerous.


Answer by  mfpooh (26)

If it's treated with chemical medicine, I think it is simple to take medications for a certain period of time. If it requires removal surgery to cure a cecal polyp, it is not a serious surgery at all. Simply have a cecal removal surgery.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

You should have it removed via a colonscopy. then it can be examined by a pathologist who will tell the gastroenterologist what type of polyp it is. After this the GI doctor can give arecommendation for how often yo need to have screeing colonoscopies to evaluate for cancer risk in you.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

It all depends on the size of it and if it is benign. Usually they are nothing to be worried about and usually when they are found the doctor will have you schedule and appointment and you can go in and have it removed it has become a very common practice.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, if you want to do something about it, I suggest you start eating right. Take all your vitamins on a daily basis and you want to exercise for a hour.

posted by Anonymous
Response to Liz 59. Even the healthiest people have polyps like Dr. Oz.  add a comment

Answer by  Merle (1)

I have recently had cecal polyp and appendic removal surgery. Please help me with the post op syptoms and what kind of diet is best on the fourth day after surgery?

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