

Question by  frank (279)

What should I consider when buying a used trumpet?


Answer by  battlemedic (35)

The age of the trumpet and any dents/rust. Though trumpets tend to come in standard sizes, you should make sure prolonged holding it is comfortable. You should try and test play it before committing. And if you're new, don't commit to one too expensive just because its nicer.


Answer by  towers85 (30)

Any used instrument should be inspected and play-tested by an experienced musician, if possible. Any dents in the trumpet's tubing will affect the playability of the horn. Excessive lacquer wear is undesirable, because any uncovered sections will continue to deteriorate over time. All valves should operate easily and quietly. A good trumpet will play freely and have a solid tone.


Answer by  racheljh (72)

When buying a used trumpet, the primary consideration should be the tone or sound quality of the instrument because that cannot be fixed or changed. Also consdider whether the valves work quickly and well, once they have been oiled. Some scratches or minor dents are to be expected but avoid insturments with major damage.


Answer by  ed714 (50)

Ask the seller for any repair and service records for the trumpet. The valves might need to be overhauled, the metal might be corroded or cracked. Call around to local instrument repair shops for pricing on trumpet repairs to see what you may have to spend to recondition the instrument.


Answer by  Micha (65)

You will want to make sure that the trumpet has been well cared for by its previous owner. Check to make sure that the valves are in working condition, there is no visible damage, etc. Play it; if you like the action and the sound, then it is worth considering buying. If it feels wrong, move on.


Answer by  Andrew78 (153)

When you are considering buying a trumpet there are a lot of things to consider. You have to ask yourself how serious you are about your music. Find out how much you can spend and determine the best quality product you can get. Make sure it fits your body build and that the quality of the trumpet is solid.


Answer by  tatis9 (114)

You must consider the time it was used, the condition of the musical instrument, the trademark or brand (better a wellknowed as Yamaha) and for wnat thing it was used (professional interpretation, martial band, amateur) the less was used, the best.


Answer by  mtown934 (733)

When buying a used trumpet, you definitely want to make sure that it is in good condition and still produces a high quality of sound. You want to make sure that mouthpiece is in good shape too because that is difficult to replace. Basically, you want to make sure the trumpet has no permanent damage to it.


Answer by  dhuoda (1431)

It should look intact, with no holes or dents. The valves and slides should operate smoothly. There should be no sign of metal corrosion. It is acceptable to buy it if the soft parts made of felt and cork are missing or damaged since they can be easily replaced. You should of course try it out for sound.


Answer by  fancbiz (952)

You should check if the sounds are consistent since if they have been tampered with , it cannot serve you the purpose.Check whether all the notes sound accurately as they are supposed to sound since they could be worn out or damaged beyond repair and thus cannot be of any help.


Answer by  SamAnole (31)

First, you should check with the retailer if the trumput is internaly damaged. You should then check the instument for obvious dents, dings, and abraisions.


Answer by  meakulpa (65)

Make sure there are no leaks in the values, and that all slides and valves move freely. Also, check for any dents, especially on the bends in the piping.


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

Make sure it is in good working order. Make sure there are not too many dents in it. You may even want to try playing it to make sure it actually works.


Answer by  rnovikoffgmailcom (1722)

The first thing you should consider is, do you have the money to buy this? Are you going to use it? Or is it just going to sit there and collect dust. Join a school band/orchestra so you will constantly be surrounded by influence to pick it up and use it.


Answer by  suesea (27)

The best thing to do is bring an experienced trumpet player with you, if possible. They can check it out themselves and give you their opinion.

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