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Question by  jansi (91)

What other engines does Chevy make other than the 305?


Answer by  se7enine (21)

Chevy makes quite a few other engines, 283 cu in, 327 cu in , 400 cu in, most common would be the 350 cu in. Size of the block also varies between the engines Chevy produces. Bore sizes can be changed as well as crank lengths like the 350 cu in stroked to 383 cu in.


Answer by  Ralphie1954 (420)

Mouse engines are 265, 283, 305, 307, 327, 350, and 400 and Rat engines are 348, 396, 409, 427, and 454. Mouse = small block and Rat = big block.

posted by Anonymous
and they make a 502 big block  add a comment
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