

Question by  Bob4546 (11)

What multivitamin is good for a dog?

I want to keep him healthy.


Answer by  Jo3355 (575)

If you feed him a high quality dog food, it is not necessary to supplement his food with a multivitamin. However, GNC makes a good multivitamin for dogs.


Answer by  Crystal1210 (14)

In general, dogs don't need multivitamins if their food is AAFCO approved for their life stage. Canine PLus by Vetri Science would be fine for most dogs though.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Pet Natural's Daily Best is supposed to be one of the best multivitamins for dogs. Most multivitamins for dogs are sold depending on dog's age as puppies, seniors, etc.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Talk to your vet about your dog's specific needs in a multivitamin. Different dogs have different needs and will require different vitamins. Factors can include age, health, breed, if the dog has any chronic problems, etc.

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