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Question by  Anthony21 (24)

What kinds of subliminal messages are hidden in the movies?

My friend said there are lots of them but I don't notice anything weird.


Answer by  Ken56 (1160)

The idea that subliminal messages hidden movies is widely not accepted as being a real phenomenon. In the movie, "The Exorcist," the director deliberately inserted subliminal messages in the film to make it more frightening, but these were not true subliminal images because they were not below the threshold of conscious viewing.


Answer by  Cransus (130)

Subliminal messages like single frames of film spliced into a movie are rare, but there are a few in Fight Club and most famously The Exorcist. As for other types, many movies and tv shows (actually in most forms of media)subliminal messaging utilizes product placement (the characters use or subtly display branded items) to encourage consumption.

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