

Question by  sayswhat (25)

What kind of trees like wetter environments?


Answer by  carol (1241)

River Birch trees and Weeping Willow trees are known to like wet soils. There are also some red dogwood trees that like moister soils.


Answer by  SMiller (79)

Willows, Silver and Red Maple, Birch, Box Elder, Shagbark Hickory, Water and Green Ash, American Larch, Sweetgum, Carolina Cottonwood and Bald Cypress all tolerate wetter soils.


Answer by  mike49 (373)

Black alder trees love the wet enviroment. The wood from these trees resist decay when saturated through indefinite periods. In the older days, the wood was used to build boats. The best uses for these trees is planting in hedges along borders of streams.

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