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Question by  Taylor (863)

What kind of study skills do you need for middle school?

My son is starting sixth grade and doesn't know how to study.


Answer by  aprilmusic (44)

Organizational skills are key. Keeping track of what information is on each test and how questions will be asked (multiple choice, essay) can help on what material to study. Learning to take neat, concise notes in class will help him. It may be necessary to re-write notes at home. Re-reading text can help(highlighting or underlining key facts).


Answer by  TrixieRose (174)

Studying for tests isn't hard. Basically, he should review the chapters or handouts that will be on the test. Writing out important facts will be helpful, there's plenty of tricks to aid in memorizing (like acronyms). He can do this once a week, even, just to review what he's learned.


Answer by  souldolphindream (835)

You need to have your son have a routine. A set time for studying. Flash cards work great. I use them for kids.


Answer by  lilov87 (30)

If your son doesn't know how to study, its a good time to start establishing good habits. If he sets aside 3-4 hours for homework, he should be fine.

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