


Question by  Steph82 (32)

What kind of moss do you use for moss-filled vases?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Florists generally use sheet moss, which is a species of carpet moss. This can be bought dried and rehydrated to suit your needs. Consult the Inet for tips on arrangements.


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

Sphagnum moss or another name is peat moss. Holds water well and allows the air to circulate. It can be bought at a craft store or found in a bayou.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Usually the moss they use is called gypsum moss and you can usually take a walk in the woods around your house and find plenty of it for more info on this topic you can do a net search and it will give you all the details on it.

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