How do you remove moss from trees?
What causes green moss like feces?
What is a good home remedy to get rid of moss?
What is a small green insect that bites?
What kind of bug that is native to Michigan is black with a stinger?
What kind of moss grows on trees in Florida?
What snakes are found in Michigan?
plants trees what is
Question by catlover76 (33)
The particular moss I'm interested in is feather-like, and a sage green color. What could it be?
Answer by niki (111)
michigan is the northen region of america. where very low temterature occure. at this temperature moss like reader sunfish i. e. lepomis microlophus and other corals are found on the tree.
Answer by senthil34 (169)
Acer platanoides - Norway maple Aesculus hippocastanum - Buckeye/horsechestnut Ailanthus altissima -Tree-of-heaven/Stinktree Betula nigra -River birch Campsis radicans -Trumpet vine Cladrastis kentuckea -Yellowwood
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