

Question by  mezzopris (35)

What is your favorite drink?


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

Coffee in all its forms. While a basic black is good, I usually take milk, occasionally sugar depending on the roast. For a treat I go with the hazelnut flavored latte.


Answer by  Jingris21 (65)

My favorite drink is coca cola classic. I prefer regular as opposed to diet. It tastes really good and goes well with most foods. Also, coca cola classic is a relatively cheap drink so it's easy for me to buy a bunch of them and keep them in the refrigerator.


Answer by  nick37 (31)

Green tea (usually with mint or an herbal blend) because it's healthy, tasty, a great way to wake up in the morning, and soothing on the throat.


Answer by  weeonelb (358)

I really like this drink at Red Robin's called a Freckled Lemonade. it's basically just Minute Maid lemonade with some strawberries mixed in, but the strawberries are delicious!

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