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Question by  MARAKKUDI (25)

What is wrong with my kitten if her eyes are shut due to mucus and she is sneezing?


Answer by  katharine (3981)

She probably has an upper respiratory infection. Your vet can give you antibiotics to help clear it up and you need to put eye ointment on her eyes and keep them clean.


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

I would say that it has a respiratory infection. If you dont do something about this quickly then the kitten will deteriorate fast. It will stop eating and basically quality of life is already gone for this kitten. There is a medication that will clear this up quickly and it is advised that you do this for the kitten.


Answer by  laughclown (14)

She could have something serious. Any illness that causes these two things in conjunction needs to be checked out by a qualified vetranarian.


Answer by  graycat (174)

It sounds as if your kitten has an upper respiratory infection. She needs to go to the vet since these are often fatal since she could stop eating. Your vet will give you an antibiotic and tell you how to clean her eyes and how to feed her if she does not eat.

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