

Question by  deannaharr (17)

What is wrong with dogs with swollen paws?


Answer by  Edward (115)

This could be an allergic reaction to his environment, or maybe he was digging and overworked his paws. Clean thoroughly with warm water and check the pads for tears.


Answer by  MsLizziebug (833)

The dog could have an infection of some kind or is licking excessively. At any rate, this isn't normal and should be checked out by a vet.


Answer by  guyver3869 (449)

I had this issue a few months ago. My vet told me that it was an allegic reaction to something in the yard. First thing he checked of course was to see if there was anything stuck, or if he had been bitten in the paw area. After that he ran some blood tests to determine allergy. Hope this helps.


Answer by  ScooterMike (145)

it could be something as simple as a bruised paw from a hard leap or poking through a fence. Though if there are other symptoms, mange is also a possibility.

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