

Question by  samantha (16)

What is wrong if my pit bull turned 3 and became lazy?


Answer by  katharine (3981)

If it happened gradually and your dog still seems healthy it could just be that he grew up. Dogs tend to be very active when they're puppies then they calm down when they reach adulthood. This comes at different ages for different dogs, your dog might have simply calmed downed because he's not a puppy anymore.


Answer by  bassetmama (38)

Most likely the puppy stage has finally worn off and the dog is settling into the calmer adult years. If the change has been sudden the pet should be seen by your vet to rule out any illness. Watch for loss of appetite and mood changes as they are also associated with illness.


Answer by  NancyTell843 (156)

There may not be anything wrong. This is the age when they grow from a "puppy" into an adult dog. The games that interested him before may no longer entertain him. Find some new activities that you can enjoy together. Obedience training is good; it gives you both goals to work toward, and makes your pet more sociable.

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