digestive health


Question by  randjdona (22)

What is up with my health if I am constantly burping in the evenings?


Answer by  Chris41 (152)

If you are having problems with consistent gas in the afternoons and evenings. you are more than likely suffering from heartburn and acid reflux. There are many over the counter medications available to treat these. They can cause discomfort and gas in your body and can often result in belching in the afternoons.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

You could have a condition called gastritis. That just means that you end up creating gas in your system a lot. Or, you are having something in your diet that is causing heartburn everyday. Try eliminating one thing from your diet a day till you stop burping, and you will find the cause of your gas problems.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

If you are burping during dinner time it could be that you are suffering from Acid Reflux Disease. Talk to your doctor so you can see if you need to be on any medications.


Answer by  PJAGANI (231)

Burping occurs when air which is ingested while eating or drinking tries to come out through oesophagus. After heavy meals in the evening it is very common.

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