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Question by  Lori (57)

What is tofurkey?


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

It is a vegetarian dish that is made of tofu that many vegetarians and vegans eat on Thanksgiving or Christmas. It is like a turkey for people who do not eat meat. It can either be oven roasted or baked. It is usually in a loaf from and can also be called tofurkey loaf.


Answer by  idavid (385)

Tofurkey, produced by Turtle Island Foods, Inc. , is a vegan/ vegetarian substitute "turkey. " Made from a combination of food sources -- wheat gluten, tofu, and beans -- Tofurkey is a suitable option for those who like turkey, but wish not to contribute to the slaughter or ill-treatment of turkeys. Tofurkey comes in a roast, or as deli slices.


Answer by  DtheM1 (1150)

Tofurkey is a vegetarian substitute for turkey, if, for example, you want to celebrate Thanksgiving but without eating meat. As the name implies, tofurkey is actually tofu. In general, tofu meat substitutes do not taste like the actual thing, but they do occasionally look similar.

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