health treatments


Question by  caffeine (41)

What is the treatment for mono?


Answer by  MedStudent01 (1131)

The treatment for mono is simply to wait it out. It is a viral infection, so antibiotics are useless. Over the counter OTCs like Ibuprofen and Aleve can be used to take care of any sort of aches and pains. When you have mono, it's important to avoid physical sports because of the risk of splenic rupture.


Answer by  Canoli321 (61)

Mono is a virus and cannot be treated with antibiotics. Getting rest, plenty of fluids, and taking Tylenol for sore throat and body aches is your best treatment. It can take a few weeks to fully recover.


Answer by  sapphire51 (1048)

Treatment is aimed at relieving the symptoms, but there is no specific cure for the infection itself. Acetaminophen can be taken to relieve fever and achiness. Aspirin should not be given to children or adolescents because it increases the risk of Reye's syndrome a serious brain and liver disease.


Answer by  bujji (133)

Mono or infectious mononucleosis can be treated by tylenol(acetaminophen), ibuprofen and salt water gargling. Plenty of sleep and rest are mandatory to cure the condition. In severe, unresponsive cases steroid treatment is helpful.


Answer by  laura7373 (409)

Rest and try to eat good drink lots of fluids and you may need to take antibotices if it looks like you have an infection as well . Use tylenol or some thing if you have a fever or for pain


Answer by  cpncrash (424)

Antibiotics do not help unless you have strep throat with it. The best thing to do for mono is get plenty of rest,vitamins B and C,and tylenol for headaches.


Answer by  kim52 (66)

Mono is a virus antibiotics don't help) and usually self limiting. Treatment is to let it run its course. Rest and treating uncomfortable symptoms until it is over is best.

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