Can you grow more warts if you cut open your wart?
Is it normal for a foot to swell from a wart that is on the ball of your foot?
What are some home treatments for dog eye infections?
What is the best treatment for a planters wart?
What is the best treatment for asthma in dogs?
What is the proper treatment when a dog bites another dog?
What is the right treatment for dogs who have salmonella poisoning?
dogs pet health
Question by AI (23)
It's hard to treat my dog for anything.
Answer by champaign9497 (11977)
You might want to take the dog to the vet and make sure it is a wart and not some kind of growth they can tell you treatment options.
Answer by shastie (1601)
They can be treated with medicine or by surgically removing them. So you should take your dog to the vet for this problem.
Answer by dcrusher59 (590)
Dog warts are casued by a papilloma virus and can be treated with drugs to promote a better immune system or surgically removed in the case of larger tumors.
Answer by katharine (3981)
Your vet should be able to remove it with minimal disruption. The dog shouldn't need to put under to remove it.
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