health conditions


Question by  robert63 (17)

What is the test for high blood pressure or PVC?


Answer by  JJP (360)

I am not sure of a specific test for high blood pressure but you can be watching your blood pressures at home or have a nurse at your doctor's office check it if you feel you have high blood pressure. If you have questions regarding this check with your doctor.


Answer by  rosieposey78 (1304)

A exercise stress test is where a patient is asked to walk on a treadmill or bike on a stationary bike. The heart rate and blood pressure is monitored while the difficulty of activity increases. Both of these conditions can be diagnosed with this test.


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

The test for high blood pressure is the same as what one would do to test blood pressure during a regular check-up. If high blood pressure is suspected, your physician will likely make a standing appointment with you over several weeks to track changes. PVC, meanwhile can easily be seen on an EKG which measures electrical activity of the heart.

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