
 crime  legal


Question by  luvmybuggins (24)

What is the statute of limitations for bringing a vandalism charge?


Answer by  thelostone (1457)

IT depends on the stat you live in. In most states the statue of limitations on criems such as this are between 1 and 5 years depending on how much it cost to repair the damage from the vandalism. You can find this information out the easiest by calling up the local non emergency number for your local police.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The police can advise you. It depends on a lot of factors, such as what the damage was, when it was and why there is a delay in reporting.


Answer by  fuzzy50cal (24)

This will depend on several factors and can only be answered on a State by State, and case by case basis. However, in general most vandalism charges will probably be either misdemeanors or a lesser local ordinance violations, very few being felonies. In general, the more damage, the longer the statute of limitations. Check ANONYMOUSLY with your local police.


Answer by  sooz (644)

There really isn't an answer to this question as it is to general. Statutes are different for each state so to answer the question correctly the state would need to be included in the question. For example, the statute of limitations for vandalism in the state of California is 3 years from the incident date.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

You have to press charges against the vandal which involves the police. Get a solicitor and take photos of the property that has been vandalized.


Answer by  sanityrose (2664)

Vandalism is considered a felony in most states, therefore it carries 3-5 year statute of limitation. The statute varies state to state and the monetary value of the vandalism will inevitable decide the outcome. In a civil matter, the statute runs into 7 years for a individual to file suit.


Answer by  Samantha64 (120)

In most jurisdisctions, the statute of limitations on a minor criminal charge is two years, but it may be longer. To be sure, consult a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction.


Answer by  Dean (4035)

The statute applies to the crime, not the complaint. It is reasonable to expect you would report vandalism right away upon discovering it.

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