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Question by  kleefton (17)

What is the starting salary of a pharmacist?

It sounds like an interesting field.


Answer by  CandaceCam (55)

There are different ways to practice as a pharmacist. Your starting salary will depend upon your pharmaceutical field. Working in pharmaceutical research may lead to the best potential lifetime earnings. Financially speaking you will be more than comfortable, probably not wealthy.


Answer by  dreddy01 (100)

A pharmacist typically will earn at between $65,000-75,000 as a starting salary and will vary according to the zip code that you live in. The salary is also depended on your education, job skills and how focused much real-life experience you have during your college years. If you have certifications, you can typically get a higher starting salary.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The base salary is $100-112K. Pharmacy school admission is highly competitive, and the curriculum is demanding and grueling that requires great focus and life-long education.


Answer by  DtheM1 (1150)

Depending on where you are working, a pharmacist could have a starting salary of up to $150,000. There is a drawback however. To become a pharmacist, you require a Master's degree. There are some schools that offer a combined 6 year Bachelor's and Master's degree program, but it is a lot of hard work.


Answer by  StarGal (74)

The national pay as of 2011 ranges from $75,934 - $104,941 in straight salary. With the addition of bonuses, profit sharing, and commissions, it increase to $80,291 - $113,372. The hourly rate averages $15.32 - $51.04 for new pharmacists, climbing to $49.30 - $56.51 for those with 20+ years experience.


Answer by  HelpfulAndy (1107)

The salary of a pharmacist is about fifty thousand a year, but you can make more by selling perscriptions on the side.


Answer by  SGividen (652)

$90,000 is the starting salary of a pharmacist. This salary could be higher or lower depending on the pharmacy you choose to work at and if you have a Pharm.D degree.


Answer by  foo2525 (257)

They usually make like 40 to 50 dollars per hour. It depends on where you work. If you work at a bigger place you will make more money and what not. So you should start to look for work at like Walmart should you decide to go into that field.

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