


Question by  resolutionimage (23)

What is the remedy to stop a quail from pulling out its feathers?


Answer by  Serona (35)

The first thing is to take the quail to the vet to make sure it does not have a physical reason. Then change the lighting to full spectrum or a newer bulb. Make sure it gets enough sleep. Misting with water is also helpful to the bird. Also make sure it has some kind of enrichment activities.


Answer by  VISHNUKURUP10 (5)

birds do that when stressed.Reduce stress!larger cage, with natural bedding not wire alone, fresh grasses, a place to hide, if alone get it company, handle it less. That should do it in a couple of weeks.Eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty of water. Stop eatting white bread . Only eat wheat bread. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits


Answer by  killermike (176)

In order to stop this behavior there are several options you could try. Remove all the feathers yourself so they can no longer do it is the easiest.

posted by Anonymous
birds do that when stressed.Reduce stress! - larger cage, with natural bedding not wire alone, fresh grasses, a place to hide, if alone get it company, handle it less, That should do it in a couple of weeks.  add a comment
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