

Question by  Emily18 (22)

What is the relationship between durum and semolina?

I bought pasta that lists both as separate ingredients. I thought they were the same thing.


Answer by  AllergyDiva (40)

The two terms are often used in conjunction with one another, as semolina is a milled product which may be produced from varieties of Durum wheat kernels. Durum is the most common cultivated wheat type, and it may be further specified to indicate specific variety (ie "red durum"). Semolina is the coursely ground heart of the wheat kernel/berry.


Answer by  foodie30 (93)

Durum is the wheat berry grown to make semolina, which is the coarse ground flour of the Durum wheat berry. So- durum would be the actual berries and semolina is the flour. You know you are buying good pasta if it has durum semolina in the ingredients!


Answer by  gaja (147)

Durum is a species of wheat, while semolina is the endosperm of the same species, located in the middle of the grain. During the production of flour, the endosperm (semolina) tends to crack into coarse bits, and is then easily sifted from the rest of the grain (the durum).


Answer by  TheAnswerFairy (2345)

Durum is a kind of wheat. Semolina is specifically the ground endosperm of the durum wheat. For example, if durum was like an egg, semolina is the yolk.


Answer by  amtcura66 (1340)

Their relationship is a bitter one. Durum used to be the favored one but then came along semolina and then everything changed and durum got jealous of semolina and pushed it into a pot of boiling water.

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