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human body


Question by  Heather75 (47)

What is the quickest way to lose a double chin?


Answer by  RachelW (932)

The quickest way to lose a double chin is through healthy diet and exercise. There is no way to spot reduce a double chin (or, for that matter, any area of the body). In drastic cases, plastic surgery (facelift and/or liposuction and other procedures) can reduce a double chin, but diet and exercise should be the first try.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

To lose a double chin, you have loose weight in your entire body. Try swimming or running. Eat a healthy, steady diet, and develop a regular exercise routine. For photos, try lifting the neck slightly, and dipping the chin out and down just a little.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

Excess weight underneath the chin is made up of mainly extra fat cells. Therefore, the fastest way to safely lose this weight is with a consistent routine of cardiovascular exercise.


Answer by  jlwilson6 (1098)

One of the best ways to lose a double chin, aside from the obvious eating less, is practing the platysma exercise. You do this by opening the mouth as wide as possible and try to stretch the lower lip and jaw over the top row of teeth. This is supposed to help tighten the chin muscles.

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