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Question by  deb74 (164)

What is the purpose of a message house?

People keep talking about this. How do you make one?


Answer by  Anwar88 (112)

In message house architecture, the single message you want the audience to remember. There are 3 core messages that we need to concentrate on What is it? What's the solution Why is it needed? Why is this a problem Why is this different? What makes this offering unique


Answer by  khnejmal (17)

message house is actually a cluster of messages .It includes messages from the provider and all others . The inbox include advertising messages,friendship messages and many other categories of messages


Answer by  a65 (32)

the idea is to construct a key of message at house. It has lot of energy to fight with the world. This concept is introduced my mark fest. Message house is used to express our views to the world.

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