


Question by  JoeGarcia (37)

What is the music of the Russian culture?


Answer by  tom10 (79)

Russian music is diverse, much like the many cultures of the country. Many ethnic groups have their own locally developed music. Russian music includes ritual folk song, 19th century romantic and classical composers and religious music of the Russian orthodox church


Answer by  Thatguy50 (69)

Russian cultural music is inherently the same as any other eurasian culture. The only difference being the unique flavor they bring from their own experiences. They have opera, ballet, classical, and folk music traditionally. Famous russian musicians include Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, and Mikhail Glinka.


Answer by  kiradeleria (465)

Some of the most well known Russian music is that of the church, meaning Russian Byzantine chant which is polyphonic chant.

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