

Question by  elsewhen (627)

What is the most popular beer in the United States?


Answer by  Anonymous

A-B has around a 50 per cent share of the US beer market. Miller/Coors, the market number two, has an 18 per cent share, while more than 1,300 craft brewers have a combined four per cent stake.


Answer by  Anonymous

Pabsts Blue Ribbon. It's been around forever and still has a great taste. As it says on the can "Americas Best Tasting Beer" which equals most popular.


Answer by  mezzopris (35)

Although, it has recently been bought by a multi-national corporation, Budweiser continues to be the most popular beer in the United States. Almost like viewing a Norman Rockwell picture the video of the Budweiser draft horses trudging through the snow during the holiday season invokes a feeling of Americaness. Is a cookout a cookout with Bud and Bud Light?


Answer by  dannyleachlivecom20 (16)

The most popular beer in the United States would have to be Budweiser. Brewed by Anheuser Busch, one of the oldest in the country. It is smooth and refreshing and nothing helps end the day like cracking one open and kicking back.


Answer by  elaine (450)

I assume you mean biggest sales, so that would have to be one of the various choices of Budweiser even though, by selling out, they are no longer American. But those percherons are so striking, they can sell anything. And it's a good thing too, since the buyer paid a fortune.

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