

Question by  chuck47 (21)

What is the kidney dog test called?


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

There are several different types of test a dog can receive on his kidneys. One test is a blood test. The most common of these test is the Urea Nitrogen or the Creatinine. Another test is a urine test looking for urine specific gravity. Other test may also be run to help determine what is causing your dogs kidney problems.


Answer by  LaurenHebbe (300)

The vet will perform a diuresis test, this is where the kidneys are flushed out of anything that should not be in there. It is painless to the dog, but is much needed. The vet will also perform a blood test, and he run teh test against test already taken from sick dogs to compare.


Answer by  reddeb96701 (494)

Its called an ERD screen for testing the kidneys in dogs. Watch for common signs of kidney problems and report them to your vet. They common include: - Increased water consumption and urination - Lack of appetite - Vomiting - Weight loss - Lack of energy Your vet may want to take blood tests too.


Answer by  fishlover49 (643)

The easiest way to look at a dog's kidney function is to have a blood test performed. Kidney function can also be assessed through urinalysis. You may want to consider having a kidney ultrasound done as well or an excretory urography. By far the easiest of all of these is the blood count

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