what is


Question by  EarlOfSandwich (177)

What is the hybrid theory?


Answer by  ddrfreak08 (117)

It can be refering Linkin Park's Album Hybrid Theory or it can be refering to The Hybrid Theory Manifesto which is used as a guide for better business marketing, service and communication. The Hybrid Theory Manifesto is a blog style guide rather than a book, but still contains valuable information.


Answer by  Petalmaker1 (263)

Hybrid Theory is the first recorded music of Linkin Park. The Hybrid Theory was actually their original name which they changed to Linkin Park at a later stage. First sales were slow but when they plugged the music into chat-rooms and sent free copies of Hybrid Theory,sales grew in popularity.


Answer by  nickyann (363)

Its the first studio album released in March 2001 by the group Linkin Park. The songs were mostly about problems as a child for one of the members such as child abuse, drug abuse, divorce of his parents and social isolation.


Answer by  babybugs22 (10)

an album by Linkin Park (a band) that plays nu metal or alternative rock type music. It was put out in the year 2000.

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