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Question by  JMakinia (20)

What level is berklee press theory for?

I need to understand the levels for berklee press and theory.


Answer by  sleepyjey (248)

Why don't you check out the Berkley Press official website. You may find whatever you are trying to look for on their website. If you're looking for stuff on music theory, they do have a wide range of books. They also have material for specific musical instruments too.


Answer by  boonjax (205)

As far as I know there's really no such thing as a Berklee press theory. There are just books on Music Theory in general. I would recommend their book series "Music Theory 101 / 201 / 301" which are useful. "Berklee Music Theory: Book 1" is the basic beginners book.

Reply by enlightened (206):
The Berklee site has a few online courses for Music Theory - that may be of interest to you. Once again, you NEED to visit their official site (both the Berklee website and the Berklee Press website) and get all the info.  add a comment

Answer by  dantheman3k (39)

Berklee press is simply the press/publication area for the Berklee School of Music in Boston, MA. They offer books for all ranges - new musicians, novices, intermediates, and experts. A few books of their own are aimed to be college textbooks, but many are not. Their publishing's are very diverse.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

The Berklee press offers theory for all different levels and for many different instruments. The lower the number of the theory the lower the amount of musical knowledge needed to understand that theory. So if you are a beginner then you would need to start with theory number 1 and work up from there.

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