

Question by  AbsolutelyWoman (35)

What is the difference in thermal energy and heat?


Answer by  fgrivel (7)

Heat is an absolute qualification of the amount of energy induced by vibration of molecules in a given object, whereas thermal energy is the quantification of energy generated by the vibration of molecules in a given object.


Answer by  johnresa (2455)

Heat and thermal energy are closely related but they are not the same thing. Heat is what is given off when the thermal energy of an object is transferred in one of three ways. The three ways that thermal energy is transferred are by conduction, by radiation, or by convection.


Answer by  thorsdecree (409)

Heat is the transfer of thermal energy from one object to another. Thermal energy is energy of molecular vibrations or thermal radiation. It's like the difference between fluid and flow. A fluid is the _thing_ itself, and flow describes how it changes position. Similarly, heat is simply the conveyance of thermal energy from one warmer object to another cooler one.

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