what is


Question by  pszajna (18)

What is the difference between the effects of smoking and using nicotine gum?


Answer by  LohnJaw (122)

Nicotine is not the only harmful substance of tobacco smoke. There are thousands of things in the smoke that cause cancer and other nastiness, but nicotine is best-known for its role in addiction - the reason the addiction can be 'cooled down' by chewing nicotine gum.


Answer by  emtrobstu (233)

The difference between the effects of smoking and using nicotine gum are the effect it has on your lungs. Nicotine is what makes you "feel good". The gum delivers just the nicotine while smoking delivers all the bad chemicals into your lungs.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

The smoke affects your lungs. The nicotine gums eases the pain of withdrawl from smoking. There is nicotine in the gum, but only a small amount which helps you gradually get rid of the large sensation you get from smoking. If you are in doubt try cold turkey.


Answer by  xomoney (104)

welll the main deadly fact is that smoking, will contaminate the lungs with the tar, resin and chemicals in the actuall smoke.

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