The words 'dinner' and 'supper' are used pretty much interchangeably today, but earlier in American history they distinguished between two different meals. Dinner was what is now known as 'lunch' the afternoon meal. Supper referred to the evening meal, what we now usually call dinner.
Dinner is the main meal of the day which either in early evening or mid-day. But supper is having something light in the evening or before going to bed.
Dinner is the main meal of the day which is had either in the early evening or mid-day. But supper is having something light in the evening or before going to bed.
supper is ate at 6 or 7 oclock at night, is and allways will be, good enough for my mommy, good enough for me, daddy said it, mommy said it, i said it, its settled
supper was ate during slavery days when slaves were not allowed to eat until the sun went down, which they called supper because their owners had ate dinner between 5pm and 7pm.
My family had supper at 6:00pm when my mother came home. My father would cook supper and whoever was home would eat. Plates were saved for latecomers.
On Sundays at noon and on holidays we had dinner. Everyone had to be. My mother would prepare the meal. She would prep it on Saturday and on Sunday she cooked it.
There is no real difference between Dinner and Supper, other than one may be a little bit more of a formal title,if you were going to Dinner at a fancy resteraunt you don't want to invite people sounding like your going to feed from a troth.