

Question by  bonesofyou (39)

What is the difference between a method and a methodology?

I can't tell if people are just always misusing these words, or if they really are interchangable.


Answer by  Anonymous

Method is a technique for gathering evidence. Mmethodology is a theory and analysis of how research does or should proceed“

posted by Anonymous
Harding, S. (1987). Introduction: Is there a feminist method? in s. Harding (Ed.), Feminism and methodology (pp. 1-14). Bloominton, IN: Indiana University Press. "a method is a technique for (or way of proceeding in) gathering evidence";"methodology is the theory and analysis of how research does or should proceed"  add a comment

Answer by  Atul (48)

1) method is a no of option that we have to do any task but methology is the analysis of such method & task for doing it is the sutdies of the such task. exa. if enviorment survey is done so we have many option to do we used such mehod which give the accuracy it is called methodology.


Answer by  Mamadou (6)

Method is about techniques. For instance, an anthropologist can start the research by learning the language of the natives as to illicit information to the people. Whereas, Methodology is a critical attitude that has a philosophical meaning. It is about deconstruction of the data gained through the methods.


Answer by  Anonymous

You could say that methodology is the study of methods. So if you are going to do some research, you might do some methodology to decide what methods were appropriate.


Answer by  Binome (1975)

Yes, it's frequently misused. Methodology is "the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline" according to Merriam-Webster. People say "methodology" in order to sound more "professional." This is called word inflation.


Answer by  Anonymous

mothod is a set of steps, while methodology is the rationale why these steps should be taken...


Answer by  Anonymous

Methodology is like a home and knowledge about the relationship among family members, while methods are like the rooms and the individual family members..for a right purpose there is a right room, and for a right person there may be a right room too......big pic is methodology, details r methods.

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