

Question by  tschebyshev (252)

What is the Difference between a Pledge and a Promise?

are they the same thing or is there a subtle difference?


Answer by  butch (58)

Pledge and Promise have the same meaning if both words are used as noun. There slight difference is if both words are used as verbs. Promise as verb means give word that something will be done or to be done. Pledge is to guarantee by a solemn promise or word of honor and assume that obligation.


Answer by  April12 (12)

A pledge is something usually done in a public forum, sometimes via signing a document avowing your committment to do or not do a certain thing. A promise is more personal, between two people or a person and their deity as examples. You pledge your allegiance to your country, you promise to be on time for the party.


Answer by  ewam (403)

A pledge is a way for an organized society to make a promise. People who "pledge" instead of promise will tell you it has a much deeper meaning.

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