

Question by  nelsonmichaelr (203)

What is the difference between a bechamel and a veloute sauce?


Answer by  lucy98 (21)

Both bechamel and veloute sauces have a roux base (a cooked mixture of flour and fat, usually butter but sometimes other fats are used) and are considered to be 'mother sauces' in French cooking. They differ in that bechamel sauce is made with hot milk while veloute sauce is made with stock.


Answer by  jacksprat870 (148)

The veloute includes some type of meat stock and is generally named after it. The bechamel is mostly scalded milk and can contain flower, they are both considered "mother sauces" of french cuisine. An important distinction of the the veloute is that it is prepared using bones that have never been previously roasted.

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