health conditions


Question by  Gabriel (2146)

What is the cause of pneumonia?


Answer by  Amanda65 (1220)

Pneumonia is caused by bacteria and viruses entering the lungs, that the body cannot fight off. Most healthy people do not contract pneumonia, but when your body gets worn down with old age, other illnesses, or severe stress it cannot fight off the illness. A healthy lifestyle usually prevents pneumonia


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Pneumonia is usually either caused by a virus or bacteria. Sometimes food or liquid is drawn(aspirated) into the lungs causing inflammation that causes pneumonia. One of the most common causes of pneumonia in adults is the bacteria that causes strep. Most viral pneumonias are patchy and a healthy body can usually fight this type without medication.


Answer by  elynne (1153)

Pneumonia is caused by any infection in the lungs. As the infection grows the lungs lose their ablilty to exchange oxygen from the air we breath and move it into the blood system, thus causing the shortness of breath that people expereince with pneumonia

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