health conditions


Question by  mustang85 (15)

What is the cause of hiccups?

I get hiccups a lot.


Answer by  primatefreak (1616)

Hiccups (hiccoughs) are from a spasm of the glottis usually after a spasm of the diaphragm. Remedy:Breath into paper bag or can apply ice to the sides of the neck (larynx) for a short time or drink 8oz of water without stopping or eat peanut butter. For severe hiccups your physician can order an antiemetic medication( drug that prevents vomiting)


Answer by  hartford (506)

The hiccups is caused by irritation of the diaphragm. Usually the diaphragm pulls and pushes air into the lungs. Too much food and eating too quickly can irritate it.


Answer by  blrVoice (1054)

There a lot of possible reasons that might cause hiccups. Carbonated drinks like coke can be one of them. Spicy food could also be a cause. Sometimes eating your food too fast or even laughing might also trigger off hiccups.


Answer by  DtheM1 (1150)

A hiccup is a spasm in your diaphragm. There can be plenty of reasons to cause this spasm, such as eating too quickly or getting scared.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Hiccups can appear after eating or drinking too fast. Sometimes they just happen. Hiccups are a result of swallowing air.


Answer by  Moma123 (1043)

Hiccups occure due to rapid contraction of diaphragm, repeating several times per minute. This causes abrupt rush of air into the lungs and closing of epiglottis, resulting short sound.


Answer by  umdoc (30)

usually hiccups resolves itself without intervention and there are many home remedies but in chronic cases medical treatment is required.hiccups often occurs after drinking alcohol or carbonated drinks,but is caused by nervous disorders or injury to a certain nerves such as phrenic nerves.


Answer by  GLM68 (62)

when your diaphram spasms a person develops the hicups. For example if you eat and drink at the sametime you may swallow to much air. This will cause the hiccups.


Answer by  grandmas (280)

There are a number of possible causes for hiccups. Sometimes eating or drinking too quickly or eating very hot or very cold foods can be the cause. Often quick intake of breath such as sneezing, laughing or coughing can be the cause. One can't always identify the cause.

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