

Question by  bij (20)

What is the cause of emphatigo?

I know that emphatigo is a common skin condition among children, but I have no idea what causes it.


Answer by  Suzie42 (7)

Spelled Impetigo, this is a infection usually caused by Strep or Staph bacteria or in some cases both. The bacteria usually enters the body through a cut or a scrape which has not been cleaned properly or has had "little dirty hands" picking at it which is the main reason more children get this infection.


Answer by  NScott989 (11)

Impetigo is actually caused by Group A streptococci bacteria, by Staphylococcus aureus, or by a combination of both. These are the two main types of bacteria that cause impetigo.


Answer by  Kat76 (475)

Emphatigo is caused by infection of bug bites. When a child gets bitten by a bug, he or she generally scratches the bites, which get bacteria under fingernails and spread this bacteria and turns into an infection.


Answer by  bl834 (1317)

Impetigo is caused by bacteria - strep or staph usually. The fluid in the itchy blisters it causes are filled with live bacteria so it's spread really easily by kids who can't resist scratching or anyone who plays sports, especially contact sports. It may go away by itself in a few weeks, or you can get antibiotic creams or pills.


Answer by  Merzkiyi (604)

You may be referring to impetigo, which is a bacterial infection. The bacteria - Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes - live on the skin's surface and cause infections by entering through abrasions like cuts or scrapes.


Answer by  EcoCrafty (33)

Impetigo is caused by an infection of staphylococcus aureus or group A streptococcus in an already existing sore or skin abrasion. For example If your child has contracted poision ivy and scratches at the rash often enough, with dirty hands, it may develop into Impetigo. Two types of Impetigo exist, bullous impetigo ((large blisters) and non-bullous impetigo (crusted)


Answer by  EmmaKitty (236)

Impetigo is a contagious BACTERIAL skin infection. The two primary culprits that cause impetigo are "Staphylococcus aureus" and "Streptococcus pyogenes". Topical or oral antibiotics will clear up impetigo.


Answer by  luvlexis83 (798)

It is caused by bacteria, when you scratch a sore or rash. You can get it from not being clean and it causes blisters or rashes

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