what is


Question by  mike45 (40)

What is the Billy Goat curse?

How is it cast?


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

It is the curse that was set on the Chicago Cubs because this man bought box ticket seats for him and his goat at the 1945 World series. The manager of the cubs said they had to leave due to the goats smell.


Answer by  nuttree (1596)

The "curse" is supposedly the reason the Chicago Cubs are never in the World Series. In 1945, the owner of the Billy Goat Tavern, came to a World Series game with his goat. He was asked to leave, so he promised that the Cubs would not win again.


Answer by  RunawayJim (964)

The curse supposedly started when Billy Goat Tavern Owner, Billy Sianis, was asked to leave a Cubs game because of the odor of the Goat he had with him. Because of this, it is believed that the cubs will never win another World Series.


Answer by  cosmo (204)

It is a curse that was supposedly put on the Major League Baseball team, the Cubs. It was cast by a man that was asked to leave a game because of his bad smell.

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