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Question by  sailormoon (19)

What is the best weight lifting routine to do when you are involved in martial arts?

I need weight lifting ideas for Martial Arts.


Answer by  moonzi (286)

Do a circuit weight training routine and focus on maintaining your heartrate when you are weight lifting. An important factor in mixed martial arts is being able to maintain your stamina and having a good cardio is very essential. Through a circuit weight training, you will be able to build your muscles and still improve your cardio.


Answer by  fiddlefaddle (883)

Your weight lifting routine depends on what you need to improve on. For stamina, do aerobic exercises. For strength, do strength training. For speed, to speed training.


Answer by  epaulzy (119)

My suggestion for a weightlifting routine to improve your martial arts skills would be to do light weights with lots of repetitions. This will increase your kicking and punching power but not decrease your flexibility. A rule of thumb would be to use a weight that you can complete 10 to 12 reps on without needing a spotter.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

I would recommend a lot of strength training involving your legs (leg press, quad curl, hamstring curl, etc. ), as well as a lot of upper body training and lifting (bench press, fly, military press, etc. ). Your legs and upper body are the two components you will be using the most.

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