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Question by  chappystick (43)

What is the best way to troubleshoot a problem with the timing chain on a Chevy Cavalier?

The car won't start all the time, and I've looked at everything else.


Answer by  amana2aug2007 (15)

Unless the chain jumped it shouldn't effect the engine's running. Check it by removing the timing cover and see that the timing marks line up while at top dead center. f the engine won't start at various times please look into the fuel and ignition systems,aiming more at the fuel system if the problem is more persistent during hot starts


Answer by  amy6682 (14)

If you are suspecting the timing chain may be off, first check the timing with a timing light, making sure it is within the specs of the factory. The timing doesn't effect the car starting or not starting so it would be best to look into the ignition system.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Typically a timing chain problem will cause poor running all the time, not intermittently. Your timing may be off though. Use a timing light to verify that it is within factory specifications. Also check you plugs gaps and insure there are no shorts in the ignition system.


Answer by  Doug77 (1433)

A timing chain/belt is either a "Go" or "No Go" item - either it's broken or it's no - meaning that it can't "sometimes fail". If the engine won't start at various times I would look more into the fuel and ignition systems - aiming more at the fuel system if the problem is more persistent during hot starts.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Unless the chain jumped it shouldn't effect the engine's running. Check it by removing the timing cover and see that the timing marks line up while at top dead center.


Answer by  Kime27 (16)

I would first ask around to my resources of friends with automechanic knowledge to be advised of the main causes. Another great resource to research the cause is to obtain a haynes repair manual or find a internet site for your specific year. These resources usually can assist in any troubleshooting issues.

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