

Question by  comalua (27)

What is the best way to heal a cut quickly?


Answer by  Kris (797)

This answer assumes it's a smaller cut you can treat at home. Clean the cut as soon as possible. Dab on some antibiotic ointment, and then add a squirt of the contents from a vitamin E capsule. Keep it under a bandage to guard from germs and speed healing.


Answer by  Blossom9283 (358)

If you get a cut my suggestion to help heal it is hydrogen peroxide to clean it out and then neosporin or bacitracin under a band aid to help heal and reduce the chance of a scar.


Answer by  thisguy (27)

It's important to allow oxygen to enter the wound to allow the cut to heal quickly. As long as wound is not open and not prone to Bactria let it air out.


Answer by  DanielleK (535)

Keep the cut clean and dry as often as possible to make sure it doesn't get infected. Your local pharamcy should have over the counter anitbotic ointments and bandages that will also speed up the healing process.

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