

Question by  Kimz (34)

What is the best treatment for dogs with constipation?


Answer by  choctaw (361)

You can treat constipation with metimucil (the same used by adults). Add one teaspoon to your dogs food every day and be sure he gets plenty of water. Also, make sure your dog is getting plenty of exercise and a regular diet.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Treatment varies based on the animal/ severity of constipation, and includes small doses of mild laxative/milk of magnesia, adding either wheat bran or canned pumpkin to your dog's food, even an enema. Ask your vet before trying any treatment to obtain the correct dosage for your dog.


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

What I have tried in the past is mixing different types of dog food together and that usually does help. The dog's body can't handle an imbalance as such. Also tried mixing wet food with dry food this tends to help.


Answer by  diva63 (56)

Upon the advice of a family vet, my sister-in-law now gives her dogs a little canned pumpkin daily for constipation. It works and they love the taste of it.

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