

Question by  jalisha29 (24)

What is the best treatment for abscess in dogs?


Answer by  peanuts (43)

Abscess in dogs need to be treated with an antibiotic. In some cases it may be necessary to drain the abscess, therefore getting to the root of the infection.


Answer by  roguecopycat (62)

Small abscesses can be treated with warm compresses frequently, they should be flushed several times a day with sterile saline solution and first aid ointment applied, with rest as necessary. Large abscesses may require lancing (opening with a scalpel) and oral or injection antibiotics and should be treated by a veterinarian.


Answer by  Tanya40 (12)

If your pet has an abscess and it does not erupt on it's on, you need to seek a veternarian so it can be lanced. This may require general anesthesia or at least heavy sedation for your dog.


Answer by  froston (233)

The best treatment for abscess in dogs is to consult a veterinarian where they will advise you on the proper treatment of the sore.

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