home remedies


Question by  busybee (29)

What is the best remedy for a pinched nerve?


Answer by  Salena (93)

The best remedy is to relax and lay down on something comfortable. Make sure that your not stressing the area that is pinched. Try some relaxing movements to ease the nerve. Heat, as in the form of a steaming towel, can also work.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

The best remedy is to walk up and down constantly and try to squeeze the body part together. And massage rapidly.


Answer by  janedoe (701)

A nerve can be "pinched" as a result of muscle tightness. You can try taking an anti-inflammatory such as Advil. Massage or acupuncture can also help.


Answer by  turk85 (34)

In all cases you want to get the nerve "unpinched". Depending on which nerve you are talking about, and what is creating the "pinch", your route of treatment will vary. It can be as easy as doing a few self tractions, or may require going to see a registered massage therapist, chiropractor , or even a surgeory.


Answer by  fazt (147)

A pinched nerve is the vertebra out of alignment and putting pressure on the nerve. Go to a chiropractor and they will re-align your spine.


Answer by  schaefnutz (63)

The best remedy for a pinched nerve is massage therapy if available. There are some serious cases where an individual may require serious treatment or consultation from a doctor or nurse. Most pinched nerves will go away on their own with a few days or so. Give it a day and see if it goes away.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Let the doctor know you have one. They have a lot of different treatments they use so that it takes the pressure off the nerve and it can heal. They can also give you some meds for pain and swelling you may also need to see a chiropractor they can help alot as well.


Answer by  Jojoblue (468)

Go to a chiropractor and have it checked. My chiropractor is so good that he can tell where my aches are coming from. I can't remember the last time I had a pinched nerve.

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