

Question by  soniya (22)

What is the best over night temperature to grow watermelon?


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well keep it at around 0 degrees. That is optimal. The colder the better you see as watermelons thrive in cool environments. If you live in a cold area, you can expect success.


Answer by  tanayafarr (290)

When the overnight temperature does not drop below fifty degrees Farenhiet is the best time to grow watermelon. You want to make sure you are well past the danger of frost on your young seedlings or plants.


Answer by  Brandydog (631)

You want it to be prety warm overnight or the watermelon will have its growth stunted. It does not have to be tropical, but a sharp drop over night is not tollerated well either. The best conditions are those cool summer nights where you don't freeze but get cooled off from the hot day. Watermelons like this too.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Watermelon plants grow best in temperatures 50 degrees and above. They thrive with the summer nights that allow them to cool down from the hot days.


Answer by  rosen (218)

Watermelon needs night temperature of above 50°F (10°C). Usually watermelon requires a high temperature and hence it fine to grown them under hot condition as it is best fruit of tropical climatic areas. SO the yield is very fine when this temperature is offered with a greater extent,.


Answer by  devika (51)

Watermelon requires high temperature to grow fastly. so the yield is very fine among tropical areas. It needs night temperature of above 50degreefarenheet or 10degree centigrade.. It is the best fruit in hot climate condition areas. SO the yield is very fine when this temperature is offered with a greater extent.

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